A candle is symbol of Happiness but can harm too.

 Have you ever wondered that how  can a candle spread happiness throughout the world? Well, when we light a candle it provides us with light and hope even in the darkest of times. Then  a candle can give somebody warmth in the cold  but when the fire in the candle gets angry it can burn up a whole place and cause massive damage. A person is just like the candle. If he/she is calm and want to help the world then the light up the way for others and provide others warmth, when they do such things they remain forever lighted. When they get angry and tend to burn up the world then with others they finish themselves too.

Remember when a candle helps others it remains lighted but when a candle tends to destroy it destroys itself. Same is in the case of humans. So help not destroy. Your life will get filled with happiness.  Signing out. P.A.C.E .




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