
Showing posts from April, 2021

Body shaming

Ever thought that you were too fat, tan, freckly or had marks on your body? Probably we all have at least once. Write down all the things about your body that you feel are good and bad. I bet that most of you have got more negatives than positives. Just give it a thought. Everyone faces a time in their life when they feel something is not good about their body. Whether they think they are brown, overweight, have dull hair etc., I have faced a similar situation in life. Well, I know that I am just 13 but I have encountered it some time ago. One bitter fact is that if you don't love and respect your body, it won't listen to you or support you. If you keep on saying that you are stout then your body will keep on getting fatter. Start loving yourself. Accept yourself as who you are. Everyone is different. You can't be like others. Cherish yourself and think that God has created you with love and care. So why disrespect yourself? Then you will start seeing more positives a...

The monsters of real life

  So let's come to today's topic that is monsters. You must have seen monsters in movies and are afraid of them but monsters aren't real. The real monsters in our life are the humans seven deadly sins. Monsters are a myth but sins are actual. Everyone has them: you, me, everyone. Some have them in less amounts while some have them in high amounts. We can't remove them but we can turn them to 1 so that they don't affect us. If you remove these sins You will become enlightened and you will find heaven on earth. Now let's talk about the sins. They are:  1.Pride 2.Envy 3.Greed 4.Anger 5.Sloth 6.Gluttony 7.Selfishness/Injustice Pride  means a sense of overconfidence it showcases that one wants to become more important. Envy  represents one's jealousy over others and a desire to take it away from that particular person. Greed  represents a lot of ambition (bad ambition)and the desire to possess more than one needs. Anger  represents uncontrollable feelings of ago...

My Story

  Today I am going to tell you my story that how I  started writing  the blogs. Well, I am not really like other people who write blogs and tell you these positivity notes for  fame, money, TRP  etc. I do it because The topic of my blog is based on  what has happened to me.  Now you might think that if that has happened to me then how do I motivate you? That's the reason! I do it so it  doesn't happen with you  and when I write these blogs I also get a motivation to not let it happen with me again. So, friends that was my story. I want you to  read and share  this blog with others so that they could also  enhance  their lives. Signing off, PACE. Love Mannat

A candle is symbol of Happiness but can harm too.

 Have you ever wondered that how  can a candle spread happiness throughout the world? Well, when we light a candle it provides us with light and hope even in the darkest of times. Then  a candle can give somebody warmth in the cold  but when the fire in the candle gets angry it can burn up a whole place and cause massive damage. A person is just like the candle. If he/she is calm and want to help the world then the light up the way for others and provide others warmth, when they do such things they remain forever lighted. When they get angry and tend to burn up the world then with others they finish themselves too. Remember when a candle helps others it remains lighted but when a candle tends to destroy it destroys itself. Same is in the case of humans. So help not destroy. Your life will get filled with happiness.  Signing out. P.A.C.E . Love  Mannat